Surrogate Sibling is the solo studio project of composer/multi-instrumentalist Dieter Dolezel. Chaem got featured on the single “Derailed”. This song already got featured in a new image movie for the well-known outdoor outfitter Vaude. Derailed is accompanied by an elaborate recomposition of Secret Longing, the 4th track from Carlos Cipa’s highly acclaimed sophomore album All Your Life You Walk. You can listen to it on Spotify, itunes, Amazon, Soundcloud, etc.
On Oct 5, 2018 Surrogate Sibling’s 2nd album ‘Hive’ was released by Swedish label 1631. Bandcamp:, Spotify, Amazon
Apple TV+’s “Constellation” will feature our track “Surrogate Sibling” – Tellur. We are very grateful and can’t await the start of the series on February 21st 2024.
“Tellur by Surrogate Sibling blends Renaissance-style polyphony, postminimalism, and a gentle use of electronics to create a fascinatingly simple work that is at the same time quite complex. The vocal lines in the work, whether alternating between one another or in homophony, are sung beautifully and with clarity.” Composer’s Toolbox
Track review by of Surrogate Sibling – Tellur “We thought we’d start this one off close to home and with some appropriately haunting vocals. Just wait until you get to the orchestral bit, you’ll never be the same.”
“Secret Longing” ist ein spannender Mix aus Klassik- und Elektro-Elementen gepaart mit hellen, klaren Vocals, die einen träumen lassen. Die Selbstbezeichnung “Art Pop” trifft hier eindeutig zu, denn der Song ist voller Kreativität und neuen Soundkombinationen.” Tonspion